

Stadtbibliothek Herford
1. Obergeschoss

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Letztes Jahr: 2
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Autor:Bolouri, Joanna
Titel:I followed the rules
Verfasserangabe:Joanna Bolouri
Erschienen:1. [Aufl.] - London : Quercus, 2015. - 346 p.
Preis:6,00 Euro
Standort:Engl Bolo
Annotation:When Catriona Buchanan decides to date only by 'The Rules' from the infamous dating bible the Ten Rules of Enticement, she could never have imagined where she would end up. Thirty-six-year-old journalist and single mother Cat Buchanan lives a quiet life in Glasgow with her little daughter Grace. Cat has been single for six years, but not without a string of disastrous dates and one-night-stands. One day, Cat breaks down and buys a copy of the anonymously written self-help book The Ten Rules of Enticement, swearing she'll obey it to the letter and chronicle her progress. We follow Cat on a journey of sexual restraint, polite conversation and cookery classes as she to disregard everything she thought she knew about dating and become the sort of woman men really want to be with. But when her ploy starts to pay off and she nets not one, but two, new love interests, Cat must decide if pretending to be someone she's not is really worth the pay-off.


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102082676 Details 11.09.2018 verfügbar


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